Looking Beyond Our Physical To Our Spirits

A number of years ago, I spent 5 years volunteering with a wonderful hospice program nearby. It proved to be perfect practice for my studies in energy healing at the time. Also, as the intensely curious individual I’ve always been, it gifted me with the opportunity to learn more about the subject of near-death experiences & the relationship between our physical & spirit bodies.

As synchronicity would have it, I was actually able to meet and speak with Dr. Raymond Moody, a local physician & one of the pioneers in this research which he chronicled in his book “Beyond the Light” & others. Because of  the wisdom & information I gained from him & the hospice nurses & what I personally witnessed as I observed & shared the experiences of many who were transitioning out of their bodies & this life, my view of the role our Spirit plays in relation to our brains & physicality changed forever.

Our physical bodies are simply our vehicles for any given life that allow us to live out that karmic cycle & hopefully learn the lessons we came to learn. The real “meat” behind them, guiding the way is our Spirit bodies… unseen but very much alive. I saw time & again how patients “chose” the timing of their final breaths sometimes waiting until their loved ones holding vigil at their bedside, finally stepped out for a quick cup of coffee or moved their bedside chair or cot out of the room.

Love is a very powerful energy & the natural worry & sadness that so many experience as a someone they love is slipping away causes us to want to hold on more tightly to them in some way. That literally holds them back from leaving in our presence. They worry for us.

Our human hearing is also one of our last senses to go. Even in a deep, comatose state, patients have regained consciousness & been able to re-iterate everything that was said around them while they were “unconscious”. They also reported floating above their bodies, looking at themselves and others in the room, describing these situations in close detail.

I also found that Alzheimer’s patients in the advanced stages of their disease would respond with surprising clarity at times when I would speak to them with kind, compassionate intent despite the fact they’d been in a vegetative state for weeks and months. That part of them that wasn’t broken or sick… their Spirit… was aware, very much alive & intact. Yes… love is a powerful energy.

Our Spirit bodies are the true essence of who we REALLY are… who we came into this life as & have always been since the very beginning… before we were loaded up with emotional & physical lessons from the “school of life”.  It’s one hell of a learning curve! That’s why it’s so important to peel back the layers through awareness of what isn’t us and never was. Our authentic, individual, beautiful selves are under there just waiting to be fully discovered!

We’re NOT our mental health issues, handicaps, “dis”eases, habits, addictions or FEARS…Until we “REMEMBER” who we ARE & live true to ourselves, we can’t recognize our purposes for being here & trust me… every one of us has one!  I refer to it as our “Natural State” & our “Rites of Passage”. They’re key components in a gradually- unfolding, 2-step process. Its all part of a much bigger scope of things & a plan that allows us to keep growing and expanding. The key lies in truly wanting it & asking for it.

                                   GET CURIOUS… REMEMBER